Rule Overview

NCSSL Rule Overview – See complete Rules for more details      10/19/2023

·    This is Coed Rec League with emphasis on fun, exercise, sportsmanship, and camaraderie

·  Managers handle all disagreements, rules discussions, etc. – players cannot argue calls

·  AGRESSIVE PHYSICAL CONTACT OR THREATS to opponents, fans, or players is forbidden

·  Managers and players MAY NOT yell at, swear at, or verbally abuse their TEAMMATES

·      Physical contact: player touching a player in hostile manner will be ejected

·      Player safety: is league’s number 1 priority and should never be compromised

·      Avoid contact: the runner’s responsibility to avoid contact with a fielder

·      1st base crossing line: if a play is being made at 1st player should run to the 1st base crossing line

·      3rd base commit line: runner cannot return to 3rd after crossing the commit line

·      Base crossing line: always run to the line opposite to the potential play, to avoid contact or interference

·      Bases: can be overrun, if you motion to next base, you can be thrown out

·      Bats: male players over 80 and women can use any bats

·      Bats: All male players <80 must use bats with ASA symbol, BPF 1.20 or less and not on Unapproved List

·      Batted ball: runner is safe if ball hits player on base, or crossing line or hits a defensive player first

·      Catch-up Rule -any inning a team trails by 10 or more runs- team can bat until 3 outs or game is tied

·      Changing direction: runner can only change once unless there is an overthrow, error, or dropped ball

·      Courtesy runner: can be CR once/inning except if 9 or fewer players or managers agree prior to the game

·      Courtesy runner from home: must always stop at 1st, even if there is an overthrown or ball is out of play

·      C from home: if CR advances past 1st they can be tagged or thrown out until the next pitch is thrown

·  Courtesy runner from home: both feet must be behind line, can’t leave until ball hit or crosses plate

·      Force out: if the ball arrives at the base before the runner, runner does not need to be tagged

               Games: 9 innings unless agreed by managers except when at 11:45, next inning last & unlimited inning

·      Home plate mat: runner must run to home plate crossing line, out if runs to home plate mat

·      Illegal pitch: is called (flat or high) if the ball is not between 6’ to 12’ at its max height

·      Illegal pitch: umpires must call the pitch well before the ball reaches the plate, illegal pitch is a ball

·      Infield Fly Rule: has been eliminated, ball cannot be dropped on purpose.  If so out is recorded, ball is dead

·      Interference: if the runner interferes with a play or collides with player at the base, runner is declared out

·      Leaving base: base runner is out if leaves a base before the ball is hit or the ball crosses the plate

·      Pitching box: pitchers must pitch within box (43’ to 53’ from home plate) with pitching screen at 43’

·      Pitching screen thrown ball lodging in screen is dead ball – runners get base they are going to

·      Pitching screen: ball that touches defensive player or their glove then hits screen is a live ball

·      Outfield grass: batter is automatically safe at 1st if hit ball reaches grass or ball is fielded by outfielder

·      Outfielders position: Field 4 must be 15’ back from edge of outfield grass; Field 1 edge of the grass

·      Overthrow out of play for runner going to next base: runner gets base going to +1 time it goes out of play

·      Overthrow out of play for runner returning to base: runner gets next base at time ball goes out of play

·      Rover: must play in infield if 5 outfielders

·      Runner safe: if foot down on base, crossing line, or on ground past the base crossing line before ball is caught

·      Strike: if batted ball hits pitching screen, and a foul ball on 3rd strike is an out

·      Tagged out: runners can be tagged out anywhere except between 3rd base crossing line & home plate