New Coast Senior Softball League (NCSSL)

The NCSSL is a recreational softball league for both men and women, aged 55 and above. Currently we have four teams and play on 2 fields at Tidelands Park, Coronado, CA. 10 a.m. every Thursday, except for announced changes due to holidays, inclement weather or other unusual occasions, such as temporary closing of Tidelands Park. Our games are 9 innings or 1:45 minutes, whichever comes first.

The annual membership fee for 2023, is $80.00. The fee for players who join the league after July 1 is $40.

Participation in the NCSSL is contingent upon completing an application and the payment of the annual membership fee within 3 weeks after you have had a chance to determine you want to continue to play.

The League is governed by a Board of Directors which consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Recruitment Officer, and the Managers of all four teams.

Attached is a one page overview of the League rules. The League has a longer version of the rules which will be provided to you upon request or when you have completed an application and joined the League.

Players of all skill levels are encouraged to play!

The mission of the NCSSL is to maintain a recreational softball league for people, aged 55 and above, in San Diego County which promotes in order of priorities: Safety, sportsmanship, exercise, enjoyment, camaraderie, enhancing skills, softball knowledge, equitable competition and, finally, winning. Our goal is to create an enjoyable atmosphere for team play, which fosters respect for the individual and the game for players of all abilities.

Tidelands Park Address: 2000 Mullinex Dr, Coronado, CA 92118

Link to Map:,-117.1664562,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x469060af96be820e!8m2!3d32.6921518!4d-117.1664562

For more Information Contact: John Meyers – 619-319-0861,