Membership Application and Payment Voucher

The New Coast Senior Softball League welcomes you as a member for 2023.

All league play is held at Tidelands Park, Coronado, CA at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday of each week, except for announced

changes due to holidays, inclement weather or other unusual occasions, such as temporary closing of Tidelands Park.

The annual membership fee for 2023 is $80.00 for all players under 80 years old. (No fee for players over 80). Please pay

your fee by cash or check to your Team Manager or League Secretary (Mary Knapik). Make checks payable to NCSSL.

Any fees paid by new players joining prior to current year-end apply to the 2022 year and are not applied to fees for 2023. A new player is defined as never having played before in the NCSSL.

Membership fees are non-refundable. Annual membership fees must be paid and a completed application form must

be received prior to January 1, 2023.

New or returning members who join in the first six months of 2023 pay the full year dues. After July 1, 2023, dues for new or returning members who have not paid to join in 2023 will be reduced to $40 for the remainder of the year.

Participation in the NCSSL is contingent upon signing the following statement, along with the payment of the annual

membership fee:

I hereby apply for membership in the NCSSL. I have medical insurance that will cover any injury I may sustain in any

NCSSL play or activity. I hereby release the NCSSL, its officers, team managers and other enrolled League members, the

City of Coronado and all other persons directing, or making policy for, the League’s programs from any and all personal

or public liability resulting from my participation in or association with the League’s games, events and activities.

Signature: _______________________________ Date:___________

Print your name:__________________________

Address: ________________________________

City: ____________________ State:_______ Zip:_________

Age: _________Birthdate: ____________ Part Time Player (Check if applies) ___________

Telephone: (_____ ) ________________ Email: _______________________________________________


Emergency Contact: _____________________________Relationship: ________________________

Phone #:_____________________


The mission of the NCSSL is to maintain a recreational softball league for people, aged 55 and above, in San

Diego County which promotes in order of priorities: Safety, sportsmanship, exercise, enjoyment,

camaraderie, enhancing skills, softball knowledge, equitable competition and, finally, winning. Our goal is to

create an enjoyable atmosphere for team play, which fosters respect for the individual and the game for

players of all abilities.


NCSSL Website: